Derived Behavior: Composable Architecture

Episode #147 • May 24, 2021 • Subscriber-Only

Let’s rebuild last week’s moderately complex SwiftUI app in the Composable Architecture to explore its built-in solution for breaking larger domains down into smaller ones using the scope operator. We’ll then explore a few examples of scope in the wild.

Derived Behavior
Derived Behavior: Composable Architecture

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Apple’s WWDC event is happening soon, and so maybe soon we’ll get an official story from Apple on how to handle child view models.

But until the solution is handed to us from on high, we actually already have a really robust solution to this problem…that is, if you’re using the Composable Architecture.

One of the most fundamental concepts in the Composable Architecture is that of a Store. It is the runtime that actually powers your application, and it kinda serves a similar purpose as a view model. It is created with the initial state your application starts in, a reducer that implements your application’s logic, and an environment of dependencies that are needed for your application to do its job.

It is possible, and even encouraged, that your application start with one single store at the root of your application. It will hold your entire application’s state and logic all in one cohesive package. That may sound scary at first, but it also unlocks some wonderful abilities and super powers once your application is built off a single source of truth.

However, having a single root store for the entire application can become quite unwieldy. We certainly don’t want to pass around this gigantic object all over the place to any feature that needs access to state or needs to send user actions. That would give each feature access to everything in the application, even if just needs access to a few small things.

Sounds like we need some kind of operator that allows us to derive child stores from an existing store, just like we attempted to do with view models. Well, luckily for us the Composable Architecture ships with such an operator: .scope. Scope is the fundamental operation on Store that allows you to transform a store that runs a parent domain’s logic into a store that runs a child domain’s logic. So we can take that gigantic root store and scope it to smaller and smaller domains. For example, we could take the app-level store and scope it down to the home screen store, and then scope that down to the store for the profile screen, and then scope that down to the store for the settings screen.

This is an incredibly important concept for understanding the Composable Architecture, but we feel we haven’t spent enough time on the topic. We introduced the concept of scoping in some of our earliest episodes when we were first uncovering the Composable Architecture, and back then we even called it a different name, but we didn’t really dive deep into it. So, we want to spend a little more time with .scope and make sure that everyone knows how to wield it correctly, and along the way we will discover some potential performance problems with scope, and then fix them 😅.

Rebuilding in the Composable Architecture


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