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  • Full access for 1 year
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  • All 318 episodes with transcripts
  • Over 201 hours of video
  • Access to all past livestreams at 1080p
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What to expect

New content regularly

We dissect some of the most important and interesting topics in Swift programming frequently, and deliver them straight to your inbox.

Wide variety of topics

We cover both abstract ideas and practical concepts you can start using in your code base immediately.

Playground downloads

Download a fully-functioning Swift playground from the episode so you can experiment with the concepts discussed.

Video transcripts

We transcribe each video by hand so you can search and reference easily. Click on a timestamp to jump directly to that point in the video.


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Nope. A gift subscription is a one-time payment and you will not be charged again.

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What people are saying

Rui Peres

Due to the amount of discussions that reference @pointfreeco, we added their logo as an emoji in our slack.

Meghan Kane

Really love this episode - thanks @mbrandonw + @stephencelis! Understanding Swift types in terms of algebraic data types is such an elegant way of seeing the # of possible values your Swift types will represent ๐Ÿคฏ #Simplifyallthethings #GoodbyeComplexity

Meghan Kane

tfw you are excited for a 4 hour train ride because you'll have time to watch the new @pointfreeco episode ๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”๐Ÿš‚ #MathInTheAlps #typehype

David Piper

Just finished the mini-series on enum properties by @pointfreeco! They pointed out whatโ€™s missing from enums in Swift and used SwiftSyntax to generate code to add the missing parts. Thanks for your work @stephencelis and @mbrandonw! #pointfree

Frank Courville

My new favourite morning routine is feeding ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿป while watching @pointfreeco

Boris Bielik

This is surely one of the best shows for Swift folks out there! The content and explanation is at a really high bar!

Nico Passo

Please stop releasing one amazing video after the other! I'm still at Episode 15! #pointfreemarathon #androiddevhere

Christina Lee

I listened to the first two episodes of @pointfreeco this weekend and it was the best presentation of FP fundamentals I've seen. Very thoughtful layout and progression of the material and motivations behind each introduced concept. Looking forward to watching the rest!


Three recent @pointfreeco episodes were so interesting I stayed in the treadmill 3x as long as usual and watched them all in a row! Walking may be challenging later/tomorrow... ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

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