Shared State: User Defaults, Part 2

Episode #274 • Apr 8, 2024 • Subscriber-Only

We can now persist simple bits of state to user defaults using the @Shared property wrapper, but there is more work to be done. We need to observe changes to user defaults in order to play those changes back to @Shared, and we need to put in a bit of extra work to make everything testable.

Sharing and Persisting State
Shared State: User Defaults, Part 2

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Currently the shared state is not listening for changes to the user defaults that happens externally so that it can update itself accordingly. This is the same problem we saw with holding onto @AppStorage in an @Observable object. It could clearly load from and save to user defaults, but it didn’t observe changes made to user defaults from other parts of the application.


But unlike that situation, we can actually fix it for our @Shared property wrapper. We can beef up the PersistenceKey protocol so that conformers to it are capable of describing updates to the value that happen in the external system, such as user defaults or the file system, and then the Storage type can use that information to update its currentValue accordingly.

Let’s see what it takes.

External updates


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