Today’s episode is a new format where we take some real-world code and chip away at it to make it a little bit nicer. In this episode we’re going to focus on styling, a topic we’ve covered before, but we’re going to build on it with concepts from other, more recent episodes. In that episode, we showed how to style UIKit components using simple functions, and how function composition allowed us to layer these styles and compose them together. Later, we did a series of episodes on setters (1, 2, 3) where we showed that setters are wonderful, composable units that play nicely with Swift language-level features. Even later, we covered composition without operators, where we focus on composition as such an essential feature of functional programming that we shouldn’t let custom operators get in the way of embracing them.
We’re going to bring all of these ideas into one big refactor of a screen from the hypothetical, TBD, far-future Point-Free iOS app.