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Domain‑Specific Languages: Part 1

Episode #26 • Aug 20, 2018 • Subscriber-Only

We interact with domain-specific languages on a daily basis, but what does it take to build your own? After introducing the topic, we will begin building a toy example directly in Swift, which will set the foundation for a future DSL with far-reaching applications.

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Domain‑Specific Languages: Part 1
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Today we are going to talk about a concept known as “domain-specific languages”, and in particular “embedded domain-specific languages”. It may sound like a jargony term, but it’s something that you have definitely come across and you may even use it on a daily basis.

After giving the upfront definitions so that we all understand what a domain-specific language is, we will create one right in Swift and progressively add more and more advanced features to it. It’s a toy example, but it contains a lot of the core ideas and it can be a lot of fun to play with.



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