Decodable Randomness: Part 2

Episode #32 • Oct 1, 2018 • Subscriber-Only

This week we compare our Decodable solution to building random structures with a composable solution involving the Gen type, exploring the differences and trade-offs of each approach. Along the way we’ll rediscover a familiar old friend with a brand new application.

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So what we are seeing is that we put in a lot of upfront work with Decodable, and got some impressive results out it because we can effortlessly generate a random value from pretty much any data type we define. However, the system is very rigid and will mostly create invalid values for your domain, like email addresses and positive user ids.

Maybe there’s another way. We saw last time that our Gen type was able to do things that the Swift 4.2 randomness APIs were not capable of, so maybe it can help us out again?

Composing structure


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