Adaptive State Management: Performance

Episode #94 • Mar 16, 2020 • Subscriber-Only

It’s time to put the finishing touches to our architecture so that we can use it in production. This week we begin exploring how to make the Composable Architecture adapt to many use cases, and we will use a potential performance problem as inspiration for this exploration.

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We are now in the final stretches of polishing up the Composable Architecture so that it is production worthy. We’ve used the first few months of this year rounding off some of the rough edges of the architecture. Things like getting rid of code generation by using case paths and making the side effect and testing story more rock solid by baking the environment technique directly into the architecture.

Today we will begin looking at improving the performance of the Composable Architecture, because there’s one very naive thing we are doing that can be easily addressed. But, while solving the performance problem we are actually going to stumble upon a wonderful way to make the architecture adaptive to many situations. For example, perhaps you are making an app that ships on iOS and macOS, or maybe you are even making an app for all 4 platforms, iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could write the business logic of your application a single time, and have it adapt to each of these platforms very easily? Well, this is exactly what we are going to do.

Fixing a couple memory leaks



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