Over 3 months ago we released the first beta preview of our navigation tools for the Composable Architecture. In that time we have released 16 episodes building all of the tools from scratch, and the community has put the new APIs through the wringer to help make them the best they can be.

We are excited to officially release the tools, making it available to everyone who updates the library to version 0.54.0. This release brings all the tools you need to concisely model your domains and drive state off of optionals, enums, and collections.

Join us for a quick tour of the tools, and we also have a brand new tutorial and articles covering the tools in depth.

Presentation tools

It is very common to model state-driven navigation with optional values: when the value is non-nil the feature is presented, and when the value is nil it is dismissed. We like to call this style of navigation “tree-based” because feature states nest inside each other to describe a path through your application, and that forms a tree-like structure.

The Composable Architecture gives you the tools to model you domains concisely using optionals and enums. For example, suppose you have a list of items and you want to be able to show a sheet to display a form for adding a new item. We can integrate state and actions together by utilizing the PresentationState and PresentationAction types:

struct InventoryFeature: ReducerProtocol {
  struct State: Equatable {
    @PresentationState var addItem: ItemFormFeature.State?
    var items: IdentifiedArrayOf<Item> = []

  enum Action: Equatable {
    case addItem(PresentationAction<ItemFormFeature.Action>)

The addItem state is held as an optional. A non-nil value represents that feature is being presented, and nil presents the feature is dismissed.

Next you can integrate the reducers of the parent and child features by using the ifLet reducer operator, as well as having an action in the parent domain for populating the child’s state to drive navigation:

struct InventoryFeature: ReducerProtocol {
  struct State: Equatable { … }
  enum Action: Equatable { … }

  var body: some ReducerProtocolOf<Self> {
    Reduce<State, Action> { state, action in
      switch action {
      case .addButtonTapped:
        // Populating this state performs the navigation
        state.addItem = ItemFormFeature.State()
        return .none
    .ifLet(\.$addItem, action: /Action.addItem) {

The key path used with ifLet focuses on the @PresentationState projected value since it uses the $ syntax. Also note that the action uses a case path, which is analogous to key paths but tuned for enums, and uses the forward slash syntax.

That’s all that it takes to integrate the domains and logic of the parent and child features. Next we need to integrate the features’ views. This is done using view modifiers that look similar to SwiftUI’s, but are tuned specifically to work with the Composable Architecture.

For example, to show a sheet from the addItem state in the InventoryFeature, we can use the sheet(store:) modifier that takes a Store as an argument that is focused on presentation state and actions:

struct InventoryView: View {
  let store: StoreOf<InventoryFeature>

  var body: some View {
    List {
      store: store.scope(
        state: \.$addItem, action: { .addItem($0) }
    ) { store in
      ItemFormView(store: store)

We again must specify a key path to the @PresentationState projected value, i.e. \.$addItem.

With those few steps completed the domains and views of the parent and child features are now integrated together, and when the addItem state flips to a non-nil value the sheet will be presented, and when it is nil’d out it will be dismissed.

In this example we are using the .sheet view modifier, but the library ships with overloads for all of SwiftUI’s navigation APIs that take stores of presentation domain, including:

  • alert(store:)

  • confirmationDialog(store:)

  • sheet(store:)

  • popover(store:)

  • fullScreenCover(store:)

  • navigationDestination(store:)

  • NavigationLinkStore

This should make it possible to use optional state to drive any kind of navigation in a SwiftUI application.

Navigation stack tools

While the tree-based style of navigation described above is powerful, it also has some limitations. It is difficult to model complex, deeply nested navigation, and this is where “stack-based” navigation really shines. This multi-level navigation is driven by a collection of state, where adding an element to the collection represents drilling down to a feature, and remove the element represents popping the feature off.

The tools for this style of navigation include StackState, StackAction, and the forEach operator, as well as a new NavigationStackStore view that behaves like NavigationStack but is tuned specifically for the Composable Architecture.

The process of integrating features into a navigation stack largely consists of 2 steps: integrating the features’ domains together, and constructing a NavigationStackStore for describing all the views in the stack. One typically starts by integrating the features’ domains together. This consists of defining a new reducer, typically called Path, that holds the domains of all the features that can be pushed onto the stack:

struct RootFeature: ReducerProtocol {
  struct Path: ReducerProtocol {
    enum State {
      case addItem(AddFeature.State)
      case detailItem(DetailFeature.State)
      case editItem(EditFeature.State)
    enum Action {
      case addItem(AddFeature.Action)
      case detailItem(DetailFeature.Action)
      case editItem(EditFeature.Action)
    var body: some ReducerProtocolOf<Self> {
      Scope(state: /State.addItem, action: /Action.addItem) {
      Scope(state: /State.editItem, action: /Action.editItem) {
      Scope(state: /State.detailItem, action: /Action.detailItem) {

The Path reducer is identical to the Destination reducer that one creates for tree-based navigation when using enums. See “Tree-based navigation” for more information.

Once the Path reducer is defined we can then hold onto StackState and StackAction in the feature that manages the navigation stack:

struct RootFeature: ReducerProtocol {
  struct State {
    var path = StackState<Path.State>()
  enum Action {
    case path(StackAction<Path.State, Path.Action>)

StackAction is generic over both state and action of the Path domain. This is different from PresentationAction, which only has a single generic.

And then we must make use of the forEach method to integrate the domains of all the features that can be navigated to with the domain of the parent feature:

struct RootFeature: ReducerProtocol {
  var body: some ReducerProtocolOf<Self> {
    Reduce { state, action in
      // Core logic for root feature
    .forEach(\.path, action: /Action.path) {

That completes the steps to integrate the child and parent features together for a navigation stack.

Next we must integrate the child and parent views together. This is done by construct a special version of SwiftUI’s NavigationStack view that comes with this library, called NavigationStackStore. This view takes 3 arguments: a store focused in on StackState and StackAction in your domain, a trailing view builder for the root view of the stack, and another trailing view builder for all of the views that can be pushed onto the stack:

  // Store focused on StackState and StackAction
) {
  // Root view of the navigation stack
} destination: { state in
  switch state {
  // A view for each case of the Path.State enum

To fill in the first argument you only need to scope your store to the path state and path action you already hold in the root feature:

struct RootView: View {
  let store: StoreOf<RootFeature>

  var body: some View {
      path: store.scope(
        state: \.path, action: { .path($0) }
    ) {
      // Root view of the navigation stack
    } destination: { state in
      switch state {
      // A view for each case of the Path.State enum

The root view can be anything you want, and would typically have some NavigationLinks or other buttons that push new data onto the StackState held in your domain.

And the last trailing closure is provided a single piece of the Path.State enum so that you can switch on it:

} destination: { state in
  switch state {
  case .addItem:
  case .detailItem:
  case .editItem:

This will give you compile-time guarantees that you have handled each case of the Path.State enum, which can be nice for when you add new types of destinations to the stack.

In each of these cases you can return any kind of view that you want, but ultimately you want to make use of the library’s CaseLet view in order to scope down to a specific case of the Path.State enum:

} destination: { state in
  switch state {
  case .addItem:
      state: /RootFeature.Path.State.addItem,
      action: RootFeature.Path.Action.addItem,
      then: AddView.init(store:)
  case .detailItem:
      state: /RootFeature.Path.State.detailItem,
      action: RootFeature.Path.Action.detailItem,
      then: DetailView.init(store:)
  case .editItem:
      state: /RootFeature.Path.State.editItem,
      action: RootFeature.Path.Action.editItem,
      then: EditView.init(store:)

And that is all it takes to integrate multiple child features together into a navigation stack, and done so with concisely modeled domains. Once those steps are taken you can easily add additional features to the stack by adding a new case to the Path reducer state and action enums, and you get complete introspection into what is happening in each child feature from the parent. Read our article on “integration in stack-based navigation” for more information on that.

Get started today!

To make use of these tools be sure to update to the newest version of the Composable Architecture, 0.54.0. Also check out the brand new tutorial and new articles covering these tools, and a lot more, in much more depth.

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