iOS 16 introduced brand new navigation tools that aim to model stack-based navigation with simple collection-based APIs. One of those tools is NavigationPath, which is a fully type-erased collection of data that allows you to drive navigation with state without coupling unrelated views together.

An interesting feature of NavigationPath is that it is capable of encoding and decoding itself to JSON, even though all of its type information has been erased. This is powerful because it makes state restoration as simple as serializing and deserializing data, but how does it work?

Join us for a deep dive into some of Swift’s hidden runtime functions and Swift 5.7’s new existential tools so that we can reverse engineer NavigationPath’s codability. A compilable gist is available for following along.

NavigationPath codability

NavigationPath is a collection-like type of fully type-erased data that exposes a few simple methods. You create one without specifying what kind of data it holds:

var path = NavigationPath()

And you are free to add any data you want to the path, as long as it is Hashable:


You can even append custom data types:

struct User: Hashable {
  var id: Int
  var name: String

path.append(User(id: 42, name: "Blob"))

Although NavigationPath exposes some collection-like methods, such as append, remove and count, it does not allow you to actually iterate over its elements. This may be just an oversight right now (we’ve filed a feedback!), but even if its elements were exposed they would be given to us as any Hashable values. That is, they have lost all of their type information except for the fact that they are Hashable.

However, even though all of the type information has been erased, NavigationPath has the magical ability to encode its data to JSON, and even more magically, decode back into a fully-formed NavigationPath with data and static types intact!

This is done by accessing the codable property on NavigationPath, which returns an optional value:

path.codable  // nil

Currently this value is nil because the User struct we defined earlier does not conform to Codable, and a warning is even printed in the logs explaining as such:

Cannot create CodableRepresentation of navigation path, because presented value of type "User" is not Codable.

NavigationPath requires that everything you append to it be Codable in order for its magic trick to work. So, let’s make the User struct Codable:

struct User: Codable, Hashable {

Now codable returns something non-nil called CodableRepresentation:

path.codable  // NavigationPath.CodableRepresentation

This is the thing that you can actually feed to a JSONEncoder to turn into JSON data:

try JSONEncoder().encode(path.codable!)  // 120 bytes

And we can feed this data to a String initializer to see the actual JSON string representation:

    decoding: try JSONEncoder().encode(path.codable!),
    as: UTF8.self

Every piece of data we added to the path was serialized into a flat array containing both a string representation of the name of the type and a string representation of its JSON. For example, our User value was serialized into a pair of array elements for the type name and the JSON of the id and name:


It’s interesting that even though NavigationPath has no type information about the elements it holds, it can still somehow detect when the element conforms to Encodable and encode it.

Even more interesting, it can do the opposite!

It can somehow take the nebulous blob of text and turn it back into statically typed values, such as honest strings, ints, bools and even the User struct. That seems a quite magical.

To see this concretely we can take the nebulous JSON string of data and turn it back into a navigation path:

let decodedPath = try NavigationPath(
    from: Data(

It’s pretty incredible this is possible. We can take this newly formed path, stick it into a NavigationStack, and then the actual, statically typed values will be passed to navigationDestination so that we can construct views for each destination:

List {
.navigationDestination(for: String.self) { string in
  Text("String view: \(string)")
.navigationDestination(for: Int.self) { int in
  Text("Int view: \(int)")
.navigationDestination(for: Bool.self) { bool in
  Text("Bool view: \(String(describing: bool))")
.navigationDestination(for: User.self) { user in
  Text("User view: \(String(describing: user))")

Encoding and decoding Any

Is it possible to recreate this seemingly magical functionality ourselves? Can we really take a nebulous blob of stringy JSON and turn it into values with static types? Well, the answer is yes, by using a little bit of runtime magic and Swift’s new existential super powers.

Let’s start with a simple wrapper around an array of fully type-erased Any values, as well as a method for appending an Any to the end of the array:

struct NavPath {
  var elements: [Any] = []

  mutating func append(_ newElement: Any) {

What would it take to implement an Encodable conformance on this type so that it encodes as a flat array of strings that alternate between a description of a type and the JSON encoding of a value:

extension NavPath: Encodable {
  func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {

We can start with an unkeyed container since we want to encode to an array:

func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
  var container = encoder.unkeyedContainer()

And we can iterate over the elements of the path, but in reverse because for whatever reason NavigationPath encodes its elements in reverse order:

func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
  var container = encoder.unkeyedContainer()
  for element in elements.reversed() {

For each element in the array we need to first encode the name of the type, and then encode its JSON representation as a string.

We can use an underscored Swift function that is capable of turning a type into a string. Although element is a fully erased Any value, we can get its runtime type using the type(of:) function, and then encode its string name:

try container.encode(_mangledTypeName(type(of: element)))

Next we want to try to encode the element into a JSON string. First we need to check if the element is Encodable to begin with, which we can do easily thanks to Swift’s new powerful existential type features:

guard let element = element as? any Encodable
else {
  throw EncodingError.invalidValue(
    element, .init(
      codingPath: container.codingPath,
      debugDescription: "\(type(of: element)) is not encodable."

If we get past this guard, then we can encode the element into a JSON string, and then encode that into our container:

try container.encode(
  String(decoding: JSONEncoder().encode(element), as: UTF8.self)

This completes the Encodable conformance for NavPath, and amazingly it works just like NavigationPath’s conformance:

var path = NavPath()
path.append(User(id: 42, name: "Blob"))
let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(path)
print(String(decoding: data, as: UTF8.self))

We are able to encode all the values even though we are storing them as fully type-erased Any values internally.

And if we try appending something that is not Encodable, like say Void:


Then we get an encoding error letting us know exactly what went wrong:

    codingPath: [],
    debugDescription: "() is not encodable.",
    underlyingError: nil

We are halfway towards our goal of reverse engineering NavigationPath. Next we need to make NavPath conform to the Decodable protocol:

extension NavPath: Decodable {
  init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {

We can start by getting an unkeyed container since we are trying to decode a flat array of strings, and we will start the path’s elements off as an empty array:

init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
  var container = try decoder.unkeyedContainer()
  elements = []

We can iterate over the unkeyed container while it still has elements to process:

while !container.isAtEnd {

In here we can try decoding a string from the container, which should be the name of the type that we want to decode:

let typeName = try container.decode(String.self)

Just as there is an underscored Swift function for turning a type into a string, there is also one that goes in the reverse direction, but it is failable because the string may not represent a type known to Swift:

let typeName = try container.decode(String.self)
guard let type = _typeByName(typeName)
else {

But we don’t want to allow just any type here. We only want to consider those types that are Decodable, and if we encounter a non-Decodable type it is a decoding error. We can do this by once again using Swift’s powerful existential type features by casting the Any.Type given to us by _typeByName into an any Decodable.Type:

let typeName = try container.decode(String.self)
guard let type = _typeByName(typeName) as? any Decodable.Type
else {
  throw DecodingError.dataCorruptedError(
    in: container,
    debugDescription: "\(typeName) is not decodable."

If we get past this guard it means that the type is Decodable, so we can get the next string in the container, try decoding it, and then insert it at the beginning of the elements array since encoding was reversed:

let encodedValue = try container.decode(String.self)
let value = try JSONDecoder().decode(type, from: Data(encodedValue.utf8))
elements.insert(value, at: 0)

This completes the second half of reverse engineering NavigationPath. We can now decode nebulous JSON data back into NavPath:

let decodedPath = JSONDecoder().decode(
  from: Data(
      "11nav_codable4UserV", "{\"id\":42,\"name\":\"Blob\"}",
      "Sb", "true",
      "Si", "42",
      "SS", "\"Hello\""
NavPath(elements: [1, "Hello", true, User(id: 42, name: "Blob")])

And we can verify that all of the type information is retained because we can cast each element in the path to the type we expect:

decodedPath.elements[0] as! Int     // 1
decodedPath.elements[1] as! String  // "Hello"
decodedPath.elements[2] as! Bool    // true
decodedPath.elements[3] as! User    // User(id: 42, name: "Blob")

We were able to build up an array of Any values that still secretly retain their static types if we cast them, all from a string that holds onto a heterogenous array of types and values.

Pre-Swift 5.7 existentials

All of the above was accomplished in just a few lines of code thanks to Swift 5.7’s greatly improved ability to handle existential types in an ergonomic way. If you are curious how we could have reverse engineered NavigationPath without those tools…

Follow us down the rabbit hole of pre-Swift 5.7 existentials… 🐰🕳

If we try to compile the current code in Swift 5.6 we get an error on the following line:

let string = try String(
  decoding: JSONEncoder().encode(element),
  as: UTF8.self

Protocol ‘Encodable’ as a type cannot conform to the protocol itself

This is because element is of type any Encodable, not a concrete type that conforms to the Encodable protocol. When you write:

let value: any Encodable = 1

…you are simultaneously doing two things: first you are choosing a particular type in the infinite expanse of all types that conform to the Encodable protocol, and then you are choosing a value in that type. This is different enough from concrete types, where you simply write:

let value: Int = 1

…that it warrants a different type of syntax, any Encodable, and a different name, “existential type”.

In 5.7, Swift is capable of seamlessly translating from the existential type to the concrete type, but in Swift <5.7 we have to do a little bit of extra work.

Although element is partially erased to just an any Encodable, we can still access its dynamic runtime type with type(of:). What if we could “peek” into the dynamic type of value and turn it into a static type A:

peek(type(of: element)) { <A: Encodable> in

Here we using a theoretical peek function to peek into the dynamic type type(of: value) to get an actual static type A.

Even if we had a peek function, this couldn’t possibly work because closures can’t introduce generics in Swift. But, we can define a little local function that is capable of introducing generics:

func encode<A: Encodable>(_: A.Type) {}
peek(type(of: value), do: encode)

Then we could perform the encoding logic inside the helper function with the generic:

func encode<A: Encodable>(_: A.Type) throws -> Data {
  try JSONEncoder().encode(element as! A)
let data = try peek(type(of: value), do: encode)

This is all still theoretical, but if this was possible we have somehow magically turned a dynamic type into a static type, albeit in a roundabout way.

Well, this theoretical tool does exist in pre-Swift 5.7, though it is underscored and has a strange name:

func encode<A: Encodable>(_: A.Type) throws -> Data {
  try JSONEncoder().encode(element as! A)
let data = try _openExistential(type(of: value), do: encode)

This function allows us to peek into an Any type and get access to the actual static type of the underlying value. It’s underscored because the Swift team would rather have a nicer syntax for capturing its functionality, and that is precisely what Swift 5.7’s new existential tools brings to the table.

The name is called _openExistential because its job is to take a peek inside a type that we know nothing about in order to figure out its actual static type. The term “existential” is borrowed from predicate logic in mathematics, and if you want to know more how the mathematics is connected to the types, checkout this week’s episode.

We can now finish the encoding by turning the data into a string and encoding that into the container:

func encode<A: Encodable>(_: A.Type) throws -> Data {
  try JSONEncoder().encode(element as! A)
let data = try _openExistential(type(of: value), do: encode)
let string = String(decoding: data, as: UTF8.self)
try container.encode(string)

We can even conditionally use Swift 5.7 features using a compiler directive:

#if swift(<5.7)
  func encode<A: Encodable>(_: A.Type) throws -> Data {
    try JSONEncoder().encode(element as! A)
  let data = try _openExistential(type(of: value), do: encode)
  let string = String(decoding: data, as: UTF8.self)
  try container.encode(string)
  let string = try String(decoding: JSONEncoder().encode(element), as: UTF8.self)
  try container.encode(string)

Next, we have the Decodable conformance. It currently does not compile in Swift 5.6 due to this line:

let value = try JSONDecoder().decode(type, from: Data(encodedValue.utf8))

Cannot convert value of type ‘Decodable.Type’ to expected argument type ‘Any.Protocol’

Protocol ‘Any’ as a type cannot conform to ‘Decodable’

The error messages aren’t great, but the problem is the same as what we say for the Encodable conformance: Swift 5.6 can’t automatically open the existential for us, so we have to do it manually.

The work is nearly identical to what we did for Encodable, and so we will immediately jump to the solution:

let encodedValue = try container.decode(String.self)
#if swift(<5.7)
  func decode<A: Decodable>(_: A.Type) throws -> A {
    try JSONDecoder().decode(A.self, from: Data(encodedValue.utf8))
  let value = try _openExistential(type, do: decode)
  let value = try JSONDecoder().decode(type, from: Data(encodedValue.utf8))
elements.insert(value, at: 0)

And that is all it takes to support existential codability in Swift 5.6 and lower. It’s pretty amazing to see how much more ergonomic existentials are in Swift 5.7.

Existential super powers

It’s incredible to see what Swift 5.7’s existential types unlock. They allow us to create an interface that for all intents and purposes is dynamic, being an array of Any values, while simultaneously being able to pull static type information from it when needed. This allows for building tools that are both flexible and safe, such as NavigationStack, which helps decouple domains in a navigation stack while simultaneously retaining type information to pass to destination views.

In this week’s episode we explored another application of existential types, wherein we somewhat weaken result types used in the Composable Architecture while not losing the ability to maintain equatability, which is a vital feature for performance and testing in the library. Both of these use cases are only scratching the surface of what is possible with existential types in Swift.

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