Testing is by far the #1 priority of the Composable Architecture. The library provides a tool, the TestStore, that makes it possible to exhaustively prove how your features evolve over time. This not only includes how state changes with every user action, but also how effects are executed, and how data is fed back into the system.

The testing tools in the library haven’t changed much in the two and a half years since release, but thanks to close collaboration with Krzysztof Zabłocki and support from his employer, The Browser Company, the 0.45.0 release of the library brings first class support for “non-exhaustive” test stores.

Join us for an overview of the “why” and “how” of exhaustive testing, as well as when it breaks down, and how non-exhaustive testing can help.

Why exhaustive testing?

Test assertions allow you to prove that certain values in your feature are what you expect them to be, but each assertion lies on a spectrum of strength. For example, if your feature has an “Add” button that when tapped adds an item to a collection, then you can write a test for that like so:

XCTAssertEqual(model.items.count, 0)
XCTAssertEqual(model.items.count, 1)

That certainly proves that something was added to the items collection, but it doesn’t prove anything about the item.

We can strengthen this assertion by further asserting on the first item in the collection:

XCTAssertEqual(model.items.count, 0)
XCTAssertEqual(model.items[0], Item(name: "", quantity: 1))

This is stronger since it now proves the first item has an empty string for its name and 1 for its quantity. But, it doesn’t prove anything about what else is in the items collection. What if there was a bug that caused two items to be added? This test would happily pass.

So, we can again strengthen this by asserting that the items array consists of only a single item:

XCTAssertEqual(model.items.count, 0)
  [Item(name: "", quantity: 1)]

And now this assertion is much stronger.

But it’s still not as strong as it could be. We are not asserting on how anything else in the model evolves over time. What if tapping the “Add” button also makes a network request to add the item in an external database, and while that request is in flight we show a progress view somewhere in the UI.

Since we are not asserting on any of that behavior there could be bugs in that code that are not covered by the test. It is on us to be studious enough to make sure to write an explicit test for that behavior, but nothing is guiding us towards doing so.

This is exactly what exhaustive testing aims to solve. You should not be allowed to write assertions like the above without also asserting on how the rest of the system evolves. You should be forced to assert on how each piece of state changes, as well as how each side effect executes and feeds data back into the system.

How to write exhaustive tests

Now that we know why exhaustive testing can be useful, let’s see how the Composable Architecture gives us exhaustive testing right out of the box.

Continuing with the example from above, to assert what happens when the user taps the “Add” button we construct a TestStore, send it an action, and provide a trailing closure that must mutate the previous state to the current state:

func testAddItem() async {
  let store = TestStore(
    initialState: Feature.State(),
    reducer: Feature()

  await store.send(.addButtonTapped) {
    $0.items = [
      Item(name: "", quantity: 1)

If this tests passes, it proves that the only mutation made to state when sending the action was an item being added to the items collection. If anything else was changed in the feature’s state we would get a test failure.

For example, suppose the feature has additional logic, such as making a network request to add the item on the backend database and managing some state for showing a progress view, then we would get a test failure because we have not asserted on how the entire feature evolves.

In fact, we would get two test failures. The first is due to the fact that we did not fully describe how the state changes:

A state change does not match expectation: …

−   isAdding: false,
+   isAdding: true,
    items: […]

(Expected: −, Actual: +)

The failure message is clearly showing that some state changed that we did not assert against. In particular, the isAdding boolean, which will drive the showing and hiding of a progress indicator in the view, should be true, not false.

To fix, we need to mutate that state to its actual value in the send assertion:

await store.send(.addButtonTapped) {
  $0.isAddding = true
  $0.items = [
    Item(name: "", quantity: 1)

This fixes one test failure, but there’s still another:

🛑 The store received 1 unexpected action after this one

Unhandled actions: [
  [0]: Feature.Action.addResponse(success: true)

This is letting us know that the test store received an action from an effect, in particular the effect that communicates to our backend server, but we did not assert on it.

This is a great test failure to have. If the effect action is expected, then we should assert on how it fed back into the system and how state changed after, otherwise we are giving opportunities for bugs to hide. And just as important, if the effect action is not expected, then there is a bug in the logic causing an effect to execute, and so that should be fixed.

To fix this test we must assert on receiving this action as well as how state changes after receiving it:

await store.receive(.addResponse(success: true)) {
  $0.isAdding = false

The test now passes, and we can have a lot of confidence that we are asserting on everything happening in this feature, from state changes to effect execution. If the feature changes in the future by changing more state or executing more effects, we will instantly be notified in existing tests that more work needs to be done to assert on how the feature evolved.

When exhaustive testing breaks down

While exhaustive testing can be powerful, it also has its drawbacks. In particular, for very large, complex features, or features that are composed of many other features. In such cases it can be cumbersome to assert on every little state change and effect execution inside every single feature.

For this reason, the concept of a “non-exhaustive” test store was first conceived by Krzysztof Zabłocki in a blog post and a conference talk. It allows you to be more selective over which parts of the application you want to actually assert on.

For example, suppose you have a tab-based application where the 3rd tab is a login screen. The user can fill in some data on the screen, then tap the “Submit” button, and then a series of events happens to log the user in. Once the user is logged in, the 3rd tab switches from a login screen to a profile screen, and the selected tab switches to the first tab, which is an activity screen.

When writing tests for the login feature we will want to do that in the exhaustive style so that we can prove exactly how the feature would behave in production. But, suppose we wanted to write an integration test that proves after the user taps the “Login” button that eventually the selected tab switches to the first tab.

In order to test such a complex flow we must test the integration of multiple features, which means dealing with complex, nested state and effects. We can emulate this flow in a test by sending actions that mimic the user logging in, and then eventually assert that the selected tab switched to activity:

let store = TestStore(
  initialState: App.State(),
  reducer: App()

// 1️⃣ Emulate user tapping on submit button.
await store.send(.login(.submitButtonTapped)) {
  // 2️⃣ Assert how all state changes in the login feature
  $0.login?.isLoading = true

// 3️⃣ Login feature performs API request to login, and
//    sends response back into system.
await store.receive(.login(.loginResponse(.success))) {
  // 4️⃣ Assert how all state changes in the login feature
  $0.login?.isLoading = false

// 5️⃣ Login feature sends a delegate action to let parent
//    feature know it has successfully logged in.
await store.receive(.login(.delegate(.didLogin))) {
// 6️⃣ Assert how all of app state changes due to that action.
  $0.authenticatedTab = .loggedIn(
  // 7️⃣ *Finally* assert that the selected tab switches to
  //    activity.
  $0.selectedTab = .activity

Doing this with exhaustive testing is verbose, and there are a few problems with this:

  • We need to have intimate knowledge on how the login feature works so that we can assert on how its state changes and how its effects feed data back into the system.

  • If the login feature were to change its logic we may get test failures here even though the logic we are acutally trying to test doesn’t really care about those changes.

  • This test is very long, and so if there are other similar but slightly different flows we want to test we will be tempted to copy-and-paste the whole thing, leading to lots of duplicated, fragile tests.

So, exhaustive testing can definitely be cumbersome, and this is what led Krzysztof Zabłocki to pursue “non-exaustive” test stores.

Introducing non-exhaustive testing

Non-exhaustive testing allows us to test the integration of many complex features, such as the situation above, without needing to assert on everything in the feature. We can be selective on which pieces we want to actually assert on, and only if we make an incorrect assertion do we actually get a test failure.

Take for example the above test, which wants to confirm that the selected tab switches to the activity tab after login. In order to do that we had to assert on all of the details of the login feature, including how state changed and effects executed.

Instead, we can set the store’s exhaustivity setting to .off, and then we get to decide what we want to actually assert on:

let store = TestStore(
  initialState: App.State(),
  reducer: App()
store.exhaustivity = .off

await store.send(.login(.submitButtonTapped))
await store.receive(.login(.delegate(.didLogin))) {
  $0.selectedTab = .activity

This test still passes and ignores all of the superfluous details that we do not care about for this particular integration test.

In particular, it proves when the “Submit” button is tapped in the login feature that eventually a .didLogin action is sent to indicate that log in succeeded, at which point the selected tab switches to .activity. We did not assert on how the login state changed, or how login effects executed. This means the login feature is free to make any changes it wants to its logic without affecting the outcome of this test, as long as it sends the .didLogin action when log in occurs.

The style of non-exhaustivity can even be customized. Using .off causes all un-asserted changes to pass without any notification. If you would like the test to pass but also see what test assertions are being suppressed, then you can specify the showSkippedAssertions flag:

let store = TestStore(
  initialState: App.State(),
  reducer: App()
store.exhaustivity = .off(showSkippedAssertions: true)

await store.send(.login(.submitButtonTapped))
await store.receive(.login(.delegate(.didLogin))) {
  $0.selectedTab = .profile

When this is set, running tests in Xcode will provide grey, informational boxes on each assertion where some change wasn’t fully asserted on:

A state change does not match expectation: …

    authenticatedTab: .loggedOut(
−       isLoading: false
+       isLoading: true,

(Expected: −, Actual: +)

Skipped receiving .login(.loginResponse(.success))

A state change does not match expectation: …

−   authenticatedTab: .loggedOut(…)
+   authenticatedTab: .loggedIn(
+     Profile.State(…)
+   ),

(Expected: −, Actual: +)

The test still passes, and none of these notifications are test failures. They just let you know what things you are not explicitly asserting against, and can be useful to see when tracking down bugs that happen in production but that aren’t currently detected in tests.

Start using non-exhaustive test stores today!

All of these tools (and more) are available in 0.45.0 of the library, which is available today. Be sure to upgrade and read the testing documentation for more information on how exhaustive and non-exhaustive test stores work.

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