Modern SwiftUI

Tuesday January 17, 2023

This week we finished our ambitious, 7-part series exploring modern, best practices for SwiftUI development. In those episodes we rebuilt Apple’s ”Scrumdinger” application, which is a great showcase for many of the problems one encounters in a real life application. Every step of the way we challenged ourselves to write the code in the most scalable and future-proof way possible, including:

  1. We eschew plain arrays for lists and instead embrace identified arrays.

  2. All of navigation is state-driven and concisely modeled.

  3. All side effects and dependencies are controlled.

  4. A full test suite is provided to test many complex and nuanced user flows.

…and a whole bunch more.

Join us for a quick overview of the series, and consider subscribing today to get access to the full series!

The Standups app

During the course of 7 episodes we built Standups (full source here), which is an app for creating and managing daily standup meetings. Once a standup is created you can start the meeting, which shows a helpful UI for how much time is left in the standup, whose turn it is, and it will even transcribe the audio from the meeting so that it can be later referenced.

This app is a port of Apple’s “Scrumdinger” application. The Scrumdinger app is a wonderful example of a real world app that needs to deal with many complex scenarios, for example lots of navigation flows and complex effects (timers, speech recognizers, and data persistence).

However, while Scrumdinger is a great demonstration of a real world app, it is not necessarily built in the most ideal way. It uses mostly fire-and-forget style navigation, which means you can’t easily deep link into any screen of the app, which is handy for push notifications and opening URLs. It also uses uncontrolled dependencies, including file system access, timers, and a speech recognizer, which makes it nearly impossible to write automated tests, and even hinders the ability to preview the app in Xcode previews.

But, the simplicity of Apple’s Scrumdinger codebase is not a defect. In fact, it’s a feature! Apple’s sample code is viewed by hundreds of thousands of developers across the world, and so its goal is to be as approachable as possible in order to teach the basics of SwiftUI. But, that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement.

Identified arrays

SwiftUI is well aware of the problems of using positional indices in lists of data, and that’s why ForEach forces data types to have a stable identifier via the Identifiable protocol. Unfortunately, there is no type that ships with the Swift standard library to embrace this pattern in your domain modeling. That’s precisely the gap that IdentifiedArray aims to fill.

This is why the first improvement we made to the Standups app over the Scrumdinger app is to scrap plain arrays when modeling data for lists. Instead, we made use of our IdentifiedArray data type, which allows referencing elements by their stable ID rather than their unstable positional index.

For example, because SwiftUI deals primarily with Identifiable types, it is common that we have the stable ID of an element and then we have to perform work to compute its positional index, say, for removing the element:

func deleteStandup(id: Standup.ID) {
  guard let index = standups.firstIndex(where: { $ == id })
  else { return }
  sstandups.remove(at: index)

Try searching your code base for “.firstIndex(where” to see how many times you do this yourself. Unfortunately, this code is both inefficient and dangerous.

It is a potential performance problem because you are linearly scanning an array to find an element by its ID. If your collection has thousands or hundreds of thousands of elements, this can be a serious problem.

Further, this code is not safe. Suppose that we have an API service to communicate with when deleting the standup. If we do this naively:

func deleteStandup(id: Standup.ID) async throws {
  guard let index = standups.firstIndex(where: { $ == id })
  else { return }

  try await apiClient.delete(id: id)

  standups.remove(at: index)

…then we can accidentally update the wrong standup or even crash. While the apiClient.delete(id:) endpoint is suspending, it is possible for the standups array to shuffle its elements or even remove some elements when the API request is in flight. So, after the suspension the index may no longer correspond to the correct element, or may even fall outside the bounds of the array.

To fix this you must always compute indices after suspension points, and if there are multiple suspension points then you must compute the index multiple times. Or… you can use our IdentifiedArray data type. 🙂

In practice, this simply means changing code like this:

var standups: [Standup] = []

…to code like this:

import IdentifiedCollections

var standups: IdentifiedArrayOf<Standup> = []

Even with that change, all code should continue to compile because identified arrays mostly behave like regular arrays. However, they come with additional API that allow for the safe and efficient reading and modifying of elements by their ID. Such as removing an element by its ID:

standups.remove(id: id)

…or updating an element by its ID:

standups[id:] = standup

State-driven navigation

Navigation is one of the most difficult aspects of SwiftUI, and it’s why we have a big series of episodes dedicated to the topic. You can get really far in SwiftUI using what we call “fire-and-forget” navigation, where there is no representation of the navigation in your state.

However, as soon as you need to support push notifications, URL deep linking, or want to be able to test your navigation, you must start using state-driven navigation. This means using SwiftUI’s navigation APIs that make use of bindings.

Such APIs are a little more complex, but also incredibly powerful. However, most of SwiftUI’s APIs are built with structs and optionals in mind, which means if you screen has multiple places it can navigate to, then you must use multiple optionals, which leads to an explosion of invalid states.

For example, the “standup detail” screen in Standups has 4 possible places it can navigate to: an alert for deleting the standup, a sheet for editing the standup, a drill-down to a previously recorded meeting, and a drill-down to record a new meeting. If we model all of that state as optionals:

@Published var alert: AlertState<AlertAction>?
@Published var edit: EditStandupModel?
@Published var meeting: Meeting?
@Published var record: RecordMeetingModel?

…we have 2⁴=16 states to contend with, of which only 5 are actually valid (either exactly 1 is non-nil or all are nil).

That kind of imprecision in the domain starts to leak complexity throughout the entire code base. You can never be sure of what screen is actually visible because you must check multiple pieces of state to see if they are nil, and if new destinations are added then existing code can all of a sudden become incorrect.

For this reason we prefer to model this kind of state as an enum, which automatically bakes in compile-time proof that only one value can be instantiated at a time. This is how it looks in the actual StandupDetailModel that powers the screen:

class StandupDetailModel: ObservableObject {
  @Published var destination: Destination?

  enum Destination {
    case alert(AlertState<AlertAction>)
    case edit(EditStandupModel)
    case meeting(Meeting)
    case record(RecordMeetingModel)

And then, in the view, we can make use of the tools that ship in our SwiftUINavigation library, which allows you to perform all styles of navigation (alerts, sheets, popovers, drill-downs, etc.) with a single, unified style of API:

  unwrapping: $model.destination,
  case: /StandupDetailModel.Destination.meeting
) { $meeting in
  MeetingView(meeting: meeting, standup: model.standup)
  unwrapping: $model.destination,
  case: /StandupDetailModel.Destination.record
) { $model in
  RecordMeetingView(model: model)
  unwrapping: $model.destination,
  case: /StandupDetailModel.Destination.alert
) { action in
  await model.alertButtonTapped(action)
  unwrapping: $model.destination,
  case: /StandupDetailModel.Destination.edit
) { $editModel in
  EditStandupView(model: editModel)

With that little bit of upfront work, navigating to a particular screen is as easy as just constructing a piece of state. For example, when the “Edit” button is tapped, we can show the edit sheet by simply populating the destination state:

destination = .edit(
  withDependencies(from: self) {
    EditStandupModel(standup: standup)

Or when the “Start a meeting” button is tapped, we can drill down to the record meeting screen by populating the destination state:

destination = .record(
  withDependencies(from: self) {
    RecordMeetingModel(standup: standup)

Or when the “Cancel” button is tapped, we can dismiss the sheet by simply nil-ing out the destination state:

func cancelEditButtonTapped() {
  destination = nil

This makes navigation incredibly simple, and we can let SwiftUI handle the hard part of actually performing the animations and displaying the new UI.

But the best part is that deep linking, whether it be from push notifications or URLs or something else, can be implemented by simply constructing a deeply nested piece of state, handing it to SwiftUI, and letting it do its thing.

For example, if we wanted to deep link into the app so that we are drilled down to the standup detail screen, and then further drill down to a new meeting, it is as easy as this:

  model: StandupsListModel(
    destination: .detail(
        destination: .record(
          RecordMeetingModel(standup: standup)
        standup: standup

It is incredibly powerful!

Controlled dependencies

It doesn’t matter how much time you spend writing “clean” code with precisely modeled domains if you don’t also control your dependencies. Uncontrolled dependencies make it difficult to run your application in Xcode previews, simulators and devices, make it difficult to write tests, and make your code base just harder to understand.

So, we made use of our new Dependencies library to take control of our dependencies rather than let them control us. With very little work we were able to use some of the dependencies that ship with the library, such as the continuousClock dependency to stop reaching out to Task.sleep and instead use clock.sleep. That made it possible to write a test for our timer feature without having to literally wait for real world time to pass.

But, to unlock extra superpowers from our application, we modeled our dependence on Apple’s Speech framework and the file system as dedicated clients, and registered them with our Dependencies library. That gave us instant access to those dependencies everywhere in the code base, and the ability to override them with controlled behavior for tests and even Xcode previews.

For example, not only does Apple’s Speech framework not work in Xcode previews, but the act of asking for speech permissions suspends forever, preventing our feature’s logic from ever executing. This effectively made previews useless for testing our feature.

But, by controlling the dependency we were able to fake a speech recognition client that acts as if authorization was granted and allows our feature to function normally.

Test suite

And last, but not least, the Standups application comes with a full test suite, exercising many nuanced user flows that execute effects and complex logic.

For example, we have a test that determines what happens when the application starts up and the previously saved data on disk can’t be loaded. We can do this by overriding our dataManager dependency and forcing it to load nonsensical data:

func testLoadingDataDecodingFailed() throws {
  let model = withDependencies {
    $0.mainQueue = .immediate
    $0.dataManager = .mock(
      initialData: Data("!@#$ BAD DATA %^&*()".utf8)
  } operation: {

  let alert = try XCTUnwrap(model.destination, case: /StandupsListModel.Destination.alert)

  XCTAssertNoDifference(alert, .dataFailedToLoad)


  XCTAssertNoDifference(model.standups, [.mock, .designMock, .engineeringMock])

This shows that when the data cannot be loaded an alert will be shown to the user.

For a more complicated example, the following test exercises the flow of drilling down to a standup, tapping its delete button, confirming an alert is shown, and then confirming deletion. The test will confirm that we are popped back to the root and the standup is deleted from the root list:

func testDelete() async throws {
  let model = try withDependencies { dependencies in
    dependencies.dataManager = .mock(
      initialData: try JSONEncoder().encode([Standup.mock])
    dependencies.mainQueue = mainQueue.eraseToAnyScheduler()
  } operation: {

  model.standupTapped(standup: model.standups[0])

  let detailModel = try XCTUnwrap(
    case: /StandupsListModel.Destination.detail


  let alert = try XCTUnwrap(
    case: /StandupDetailModel.Destination.alert

  XCTAssertNoDifference(alert, .deleteStandup)

  await detailModel.alertButtonTapped(.confirmDeletion)

  XCTAssertEqual(model.standups, [])
  XCTAssertEqual(detailModel.isDismissed, true)

These tests run in a fraction of a second (usually less than 0.01 seconds!) and typically you can run hundreds (if not thousands) of these kinds of tests in the time it takes to run a single UI test.

Speaking of UI tests, we also have one of those. We don’t recommend focusing all of your attention on UI tests, since they are slow and flakey, but it can be good to have a bit of full integration testing, and so we wanted to show how it is possible.

A call for help!

We hope that you find some of the topics discussed above exciting, and if you want to learn more, be sure to check out our 7-part series on “Modern SwiftUI.”

We do have a favor to ask you. While we have built the Standups application in the style that makes the most sense to us, we know that some of these ideas aren’t for everyone. We would love if others fork the Standups code base and rebuild it in the style of their choice.

Don’t like to use an ObservableObject for each screen? Prefer to use @StateObject instead of @ObservedObject? Want to use an architectural pattern such as VIPER? Have a different way of handling dependencies? Please show us!

We will collect links to the other ports so that there can be a single place to reference many different approaches for building the same application.

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