
This blog post is one of a series. Be sure to read all parts!

Last week we finished our ambitious, 7-part series exploring modern, best practices for SwiftUI development. In those episodes we rebuilt Apple’s ”Scrumdinger” application from scratch (source code here), which is a great showcase for many of the problems one encounters in a real life application. Every step of the way we challenged ourselves to write the code in the most scalable and future-proof way possible, including:

  1. We eschew plain arrays for lists and instead embrace identified arrays.

  2. All of navigation is state-driven and concisely modeled.

  3. All side effects and dependencies are controlled.

  4. A full test suite is provided to test many complex and nuanced user flows.

…and a whole bunch more.

To celebrate the conclusion of the series we are going to release one new blog post every day this week detailing an area of SwiftUI development that can be modernized, starting today with parent-child communication.

If you find any of this interesting, then consider subscribing today to get access to the full series, as well as our entire back catalog of episodes!

Parent-child view communication

It is common to break up a complex view into smaller pieces. Even something as simple as showing a sheet is typically done by having a dedicated view for the presenting view and presented view. For example, a list of rows such that when one is tapped it brings up a sheet for editing:

struct StandupsList: View {
  @State var standups: [Standup] = []
  @State var editStandup: Standup?

  var body: some View {
    List {
      ForEach(standups) { standup in
        Button(standup.title) { editStandup = standup }
    .sheet(item: $editStandup) { standup in
      EditStandup(standup: standup)

struct EditStandup: View {
  let standup: Standup

  var body: some View {
    Form {

This is great for keeping views small and understandable, but as soon as you do that you have to think carefully about how the two separate views can communicate with each other. This isn’t an issue when the entirety of the UI is in a single view.

The easiest way to accomplish this is to use “delegate closures.” That is, the child view, EditStandup in this case, can expose a closure that is invoked whenever some event occurs inside the child view, and the parent can override that closure. We are calling it a “delegate closure” because it is reminiscent of the delegate pattern that is popular in UIKit.

For example, suppose the EditStandup has a delete button, and when tapped that row should be deleted. The edit view can’t possibly perform the deletion logic since it doesn’t have access to the full array of standups. Only the standups list domain has that data.

So, the view can hold onto a closure that it will invoke whenever it wants to tell the parent to perform the actual deletion logic:

struct EditStandup: View {
  let standup: Standup
  let onDeleteButtonTapped: () -> Void

  var body: some View {
    Form {
      Button("Delete") {

We prefer to name these closures in the style of beginning with on* and then describing exactly what action the user performed (e.g., onDeleteButtonTapped), rather than being named after what the child thinks the parent should do (e.g., deleteStandup). This makes it easy for the parent domain to know what exactly happened inside the view, and it’s free to implement whatever logic it wants.

Then, when the parent view (StandupsList) constructs the child view (EditStandup) it will provide a closure for onDeleteButtonTapped, and in that closure it is appropriate for the parent domain to implement the deletion logic:

struct StandupsList: View {
  @State var standups: [Standup] = []
  @State var editStandup: Standup?

  var body: some View {
    List {
    .sheet(item: $editStandup) { standup in
      EditStandup(standup: standup) {
        // ✅ Perform logic when "Delete" button is tapped in sheet
        standups.removeAll { $0 == standup }

This is simple and it works great in practice.

However, it is not always appropriate to perform all of this logic in the view. Right now this code is testable only in a UI test, which can be slow and flakey. And in the future the child domain may want to perform its own complex logic before telling the parent to delete (such as tracking analytics or performing API requests), and so we may want to move the behavior to an ObservableObject for each of the child and parent domains.

Parent-child ObservableObject communication

But things get more complicated when needing to express a parent-child relationship between ObservableObjects rather than views. You may want to do this if the logic and behavior inside the edit standup and list views gets too complex to have all in the view.

For example, we could define an ObservableObject for the “edit standup” domain that holds onto a standup and has an endpoint that is called when the delete button is tapped:

class EditStandupModel: ObservableObject {
  @Published var standup: Standup

  func deleteButtonTapped() {


And we can define an ObservableObject for the “standup list” domain that holds onto an optional EditStandupModel that is set when the sheet should be presented:

class StandupListsModel: ObservableObject {
  @Published var standups: [Standup] = []
  @Published var editStandup: EditStandupModel?

  func standupTapped(standup: Standup) {
    editStandup = EditStandupModel(standup: standup)


We now need some way to have these two objects communicate with each other. We can try repeating the pattern for views by adding a delegate callback closure to the child domain:

class EditStandupModel: ObservableObject {
  @Published var standup: Standup
  var onDeleteButtonTapped: () -> Void

  func deleteButtonTapped() {
    // Let the parent know that the delete button was tapped.


And then when constructing the EditStandupModel we can provide a closure in order to implement the logic for when the delete button is tapped, taking great care to not create a retain cycle since we are now dealing with reference types:

func standupTapped(standup: Standup) {
  let model = EditStandupModel(standup: standup) { [weak self] _ in
    guard let self
    else { return }
    standups.remove { $0 == standup }
  editStandup = model

This works, but it’s also a little strange. The way this is designed now, we have to be prepared to provide the closure anytime a EditStandupModel is constructed, and that might not always be convenient or even possible.

For example, if we want to launch the application in a state where the edit sheet is presented, it should be as easy as constructing a StandupsListModel with the editStandup state populated, but sadly we have to provide the deletion closure too:

struct StandupsApp: App {
  var body: some Scene {
    WindowGroup {
        model: StandupsListModel(
          standups: [
          editStandup: EditStandupModel(
            standup: standup,
            onDeleteButtonTapped: <#() -> Void#>  // ???

However, it’s not possible to implement this logic here. Only the StandupsListModel can implement this logic. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. There are going to be many times we want to construct a EditStandupModel for which it is not possible to provide the deletion closure immediately.

An alternative approach is to provide a default for the closure so that you can create a EditStandupModel without the closure:

class EditStandupModel: ObservableObject {
  @Published var standup: Standup
  var onDeleteButtonTapped: () -> Void = {}


…and then you bind the closure at a later time. You need to do this in two situations: when the editStandup state changes and when the parent domain is created:

class StandupListsModel: ObservableObject {
  @Published var standups: [Standup] = []
  @Published var editStandup: EditStandupModel? {
    didSet { bind() }

    standups: [Standup] = [],
    editStandup: EditStandupModel? = nil
  ) {
    self.standups = standups
    self.editStandup = editStandup

  // Override delegate closures in all child models.
  private func bind() {
    editStandup?.onDeleteButtonTapped = { [weak self] in
      guard let self
      else { return }
      standups.remove { $0 == editStandup?.standup }

With that you are free to construct EditStandupModel objects without providing the closure, yet the closure will still be properly bound from inside the parent domain.

So, sounds like a win-win!

Safety versus ergonomics

Well, not so fast. We have actually lost some safety with this approach.

When we were requiring the closure at initialization of EditStandupModel we could guarantee that the closure would be provided, it just wasn’t very ergonomic to do so. But now that we have provided a default, it’s possible for you to construct a EditStandupModel and be blissfully unaware that you need to provide this extra bit of functionality.

So, if in the future the “edit standup” domain gains a new feature for duplicating the standup, and it needs to communicate that to the parent:

class EditStandupModel: ObservableObject {
  var onDeleteButtonTapped: () -> Void = {}
  var onDuplicateButtonTapped: () -> Void = {}

…then it will be on us to remember to update the bind method to tap into this new closure. Nothing will let us know this is needed, and if we forget, then our feature will just be subtly broken and we will need to hunt through the code to figure out what went wrong.

So, there’s a choice to be made: do we want the safety of a required delegate closure while not having the best ergonomics, or do we want ergonomics at the cost of losing some safety?

“Unimplemented” delegate closures

Well, fortunately for us there’s a middle ground. We can have safety and ergonomics by using what we like to call “unimplemented delegate closures”. The idea is to provide a default for the closure so that it is not required at initialization time, but make a loud noise when that closure is invoked. This allows you to be easily notified when you have not correctly configured the model.

The strength of this approach largely depends on how exactly you make a “loud noise.” If you only print a message to the console, that will not be nearly loud enough and so will be easy to miss. On the other hand, if you performed a fatalError then it would be super loud, but will be far to disruptive to your workflow.

A better approach is to show a purple, runtime warning in Xcode, much like what is shown when the thread sanitizer detects a problem, or when you update UI on a non-main thread. We’ve written about this approach in the past, and we even have an open source library that has a tool to make this super ergonomic.

The tool is called unimplemented, and it is capable of generating a closure of virtually any signature, and if ever invoked it will cause a runtime warning in Xcode, and even a test failure when run in tests:

import XCTestDynamicOverlay

class EditStandupModel: ObservableObject {
  var onDeleteButtonTapped: () -> Void = unimplemented(
  var onDuplicateButtonTapped: () -> Void = unimplemented(

This makes it so that you don’t need to provide the closures upon initialization of EditStandupModel, but also if you forget to do so you will get a loud, yet unobtrusive, runtime warning or test failure.

The warning even gives you a stack trace of how things went wrong, which acts as breadcrumbs to trace back to the problematic line of code:

From this it is obvious to see that the EditStandupModel has a onDeleteButtonTapped closure that we need to override.

Until next time…

That’s it for now. We hope you learned something about parent-child communication with ObservableObjects, and hope that you try our making such communication safer and more ergonomic by making use of “unimplemented delegate closures.”

Check back tomorrow for the 2nd part of our “Modern SwiftUI” blog series, where we will show how to make collections safer and more performant to use in SwiftUI lists.

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