Episode #28 • Sep 3, 2018 • Subscriber-Only

This week we apply domain-specific languages to a very real-world problem: representing and rendering HTML. We code up a simple but powerful solution that forms the foundation of what we use to build the Point-Free website.

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In a couple recent episodes, we introduced the idea of domain specific languages, often abbreviated DSLs, which are languages that are highly tuned to a specific task. We then introduced the idea of embedded DSLs (or EDSLs), which are domain specific languages that are hosted, or written, in a more general purpose language, like Swift.

To get comfortable with the idea, we embedded some basic arithmetic in the Swift type system. Using a DSL helped us separate the pure, data-driven description of a domain problem from the impure, run-time interpretation of that data.

But arithmetic was a bit of a toy example, though, so today we’re going to embed a more real-world domain problem in Swift, HTML, by building the same DSL that we use to power the Point-Free web site!

HTML in types



Sample code

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